![Promax BDA Channel[V] award](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1a52c2_b8fecd8bf7df4ac2972721184457f113~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_654,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/1a52c2_b8fecd8bf7df4ac2972721184457f113~mv2.png)
command E Ltd is established.
Location moved to Meguro-ku, Tokyo.
Establishment of the Hong Kong branch of command E Ltd.
Establishment of Engine Corporation, a Hong Kong company.
command E was founded in 1996 as the Engine Corporation in Hong Kong, a city in turmoil ahead of the return of China.
"Engine" implies that powering everything and "ENJIN" means the circle in Japanese.
The circle signifies the network of creators and artists.
It was launched by the instigation of filmmaker Ochichy, who was working as a producer for STAR TV Hong Kong's music channel CHANNEL [V] at the time, with the aim of expanding the possibilities and circle of creators.
The Engine Corporation then moved its base to Tokyo and started operating in Japan as command E Ltd in August 1998.
With channel branding as its core business, the company has produced numerous TV programmes, corporate VPs and music video clips, and is now expanding into the field of digital signage content and interaction system design.
Hong Kong Office
40 Sai St, Tai Ping Shan, Hong Kong
Okinawa Office
1-6-45, Ishikawaakebono, Uruma city, Okinawa 904-1107, Japan
Head Office
#303, 3-1-6, Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0042, Japan
Company Profile
Company name
Business description
Main Banks
command E Ltd.
#303, 3-1-6, Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0042, Japan
October 1, 1996
Video production for branding, TV commercials, TV programmes, corporate VPs, music videos, interactive content, etc.
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Seibu Shinkin Bank
President : Eshin Ochi(a.k.a.Ochichy)
The E is for Enjoy
The main goal of command E is to create video, music, and other content while having fun.
"ENJOY" It is easy to put it in words, but in order to enjoy the process of filming, editing, etc., a high level of precision in our work is always required. We prepare for every detail of the shooting and the production design.
It is precisely because we are such a professional production group that we are able to enjoy every moment of the production process. And if you can enjoy the production process, you will have the power of bold ideas and creativity. This is where the creators' sanctuary lies.
as free as we can be
We will continue to pursue the greatest creation.
to Enjoy
4 Rules
Enjoying the
Be a pleasant teammate.
get to the heart of the matter
A professional production group that immerses itself in new challenges and solves them with answers that strike at the heart of the matter. That is our ideal team image.
To make these things possible, meticulous advance preparation is essential.
We want to maintain a curiosity that is excited by new challenges, an inquisitive mind that searches for methods, and an ambition for high quality.
We want to focus on the pulse of the images that will bring everyone to their knees with a message that will be memorable as well as impactful.
And in any situation, we can build trusting relationships with pleasant colleagues with whom we can share our growth, achievements, failures, and excitement.
This is where bold ideas and creativity are born, and creativity that moves people's hearts and minds is realized.
We believe that this is the ideal rule for "ENJOY".
command E Ltd. Okinawa office
1-6-45 Ishikawa Akebono,
Uruma-shi,Okinawa-ken 904-1107